Grinding and clenching your teeth, also known as bruxism, is a common occurrence affecting approximately 10% of the population. Stress and anxiety is often the cause, and in these anxious times, dentists are seeing more and more people with evidence of grinding. Alcohol, caffeine, sleep apnea, medications, and misaligned teeth may contribute as well. No matter the cause, grinding is worth addressing. Left unchecked, it can lead to sensitive teeth, jaw soreness, headaches, migraines, excessively worn teeth, chipped or broken teeth and fillings, deteriorating bone and gum support, and even loss of teeth.
Most cases of clenching and grinding can be easily treated with a night guard. A night guard is a removable retainer-like appliance that is molded to your teeth and worn while you sleep. The guard promotes better jaw position to minimize bruxism and keeps the teeth from touching so any continued grinding does not impact the teeth.
At our office, we can custom design a night guard that is made to precisely fit your teeth. While store-bought night guards can protect your teeth and are less expensive, they are intended for short-term use only. Custom night guards are more comfortable, better fitting, more durable, and are properly adjusted to ensure a correct jaw relationship. If you are concerned about the effects of night-time grinding, give us a call so we can evaluate you for a custom night guard.